Frequently Asked Questions About Our Acupuncture Services in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

Joy Vision Acupuncture is happy to answer any question you may have about our services.

  • What is Acupuncture?

    Acupuncture is a modality used for the treatment and management of diseases or conditions through the stimulation of specific body points (acupuncture points) using pre-sterilized, disposable, filiform needles. Numerous biochemical and neurological mechanisms for acupuncture's actions have been identified. These include the release of various neurotransmitters and modulation of chemicals that influence pain, such as bradykinin, enkephalins, endorphins, dynorphins, Substance P, dopamine, GABA, nitric oxide, and serotonin. Regulation of the activity of pain sensation via Aδ, Aβ, and C fibers has been documented, as well as changes in the brain's processing of information at the neocortical, limbic, and brainstem levels. Acupuncture has been postulated to alter purinergic signaling as well.

  • What Does Acupuncture Treat?

    Acupuncture is part of a comprehensive medical system and can be used for various conditions. Acupuncture's use for pain is widely known. There is solid evidence of modern effectiveness for over 50 conditions, and it has traditionally been used as part of treatment regimens for many more. Acupuncture has also been shown to be very safe when delivered by a qualified provider. Many of the top medical institutions in America now incorporate acupuncture into their patient's care, including the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, and the Cleveland Clinic.

Acupuncture Can Help:

  • EENT Problems
  • Musculoskeletal Problems
  • Circulatory System Problems
  • Reproductive Problems
  • Digestive System Problems
  • Respiratory System Problems
  • Nervous System Problems
  • Psychological Problems
  • Auto-Immune System Problems

Call, email, or schedule online for a complimentary consultation to determine if acupuncture will help your condition.

  • Does Insurance Cover Acupuncture?

    We do not bill insurance. It is pay at time of service. Some insurance companies and plans cover acupuncture. We can give you an invoice with all the necessary codes, which you can send to your insurance company to get reimbursed if you have coverage and have met your deductible, or we can give you one towards your deductible.

  • What Are the Training and National Board Requirements for Acupuncturists?

    All acupuncturists must graduate from an accredited school before beginning their practice. In most states, practitioners will have taken national, third-party accreditation exams to earn their acupuncture license, while some states have proprietary assessment procedures. Acupuncturists must complete over 1900 hours of coursework to sit for the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) board exams. Many programs in the US are over 3,000 hours. One-quarter of this schooling focuses directly on biomedical pathophysiology. Traditional Chinese Medicine education also includes cupping, herbal medicine, gua sha, tui na, moxibustion, tai chi, qi gong, and nutrition.

    Please be aware that "dry needling" is a form of orthopedic trigger point acupuncture being practiced mainly by those not licensed in acupuncture. They typically get trained in one weekend. It is considered illegal for non-acupuncturists to perform it in many states.

    There is also Medical Acupuncture. This refers to the training for which Medical Doctors and Chiropractors attend a basic 200-hour acupuncture course. 

  • Which Credentials Matter?

    An acupuncturist's most common licensure designation is  Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac. or Lic.Ac.) This title indicates an acupuncturist who has completed the requirements above to earn a license and is generally board-certified. Florida licensure title is Acupuncture Physician or AP. In some states, the licensed title is Doctor of Oriental Medicine or DOM, DACM, or DAOM, which signifies a postgraduate doctorate in acupuncture and Oriental medicine, focusing on research or translation. NCCAOM board certification is specifically designated by the abbreviations Dipl. OM, Dipl. AC and Dipl. CH. The NCCAOM is the only externally regulated, national certifying body for the acupuncture profession.

  • What Will My Visit Look Like?

    After scheduling your appointment, we will send you a link to the inpatient portal. This is where you can fill out your intake and sign consent forms. If you do not fill out forms online, please arrive 15 minutes early for your appointment to fill out forms at the clinic. You will receive an email or text reminders before your appointment. When you arrive we will greet you and check you in. If you receive Acunova, we will conduct a quick eye chart exam. You will then go to your treatment space, where there will be a recliner or massage table. There is an additional chair in each treatment room for anyone accompanying you.

    Erica Joy will then conduct a consultation and answer any questions. She will then proceed by placing needles in the points. You will then rest with the needles for 30-40 minutes. Most people take a nap or go into a state of relaxation. Erica Joy will then remove the needles and you can head to check out. If receiving Acunova, there is a 1-hour break. You may relax in your room or the lounge areas, walk, or go out for lunch. We have wifi if you want to do some work during the break. For Acunova, you'll proceed with treatment 2, after the hour break. For Acunova with acupuncture needles, plan to be at the clinic for 2 hours per treatment day. For Laser Acunova plan to be at the clinic for just over an hour. Needle acunova treatments last 30 minutes each. Laser acunova treatments last about 5 minutes each. For traditional acupuncture, plan to be at the clinic for 1 hour.

Contact Joy Vision Acupuncture at (904) 473-5022 to learn more about our services.

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