Traditional Acupuncture

Traditional Acupuncture Services Available

in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

At Joy Vision Acupuncture, we use one of the world's oldest and most widely used therapies. Traditional acupuncture is a whole system of medicine used for various health conditions. See FAQs for more info.

Acupuncture uses hair-thin, solid, sterile (one-time use), disposable, pain-free needles to stimulate specific areas of the body to balance health and well-being. Treatment is performed on a massage table, recliner, or in the comfort of your home. Acupuncture stimulates endorphin release. Endorphins help the body go into deep relaxation to aid healing.

There are many acupuncture techniques from thousands of years of accumulation of knowledge. An Acupuncturist may start a treatment course with one method and move to another depending on each patient's response. For most conditions, expect two weekly treatments for 2-4 weeks to start the process.

Sticks needles into the human body.
The doctor treats with acupuncture.

Once goals are met, treatment is reduced to 1 treatment per week for 2-3 weeks to solidify results. Some people need less, some people need more, and some people need occasional maintenance treatments, monthly or seasonal, depending on the individual. The point is that we all have our timeline of healing responses. There are many variables. We can usually assess the length of a course of treatment by the fifth treatment. We will let you know if maintenance treatment is suggested.

Acupuncture works for 80-90% of people if enough treatments are received quickly. The beginning of a treatment process is essential to build momentum in the healing process. The closer in time the treatments are to each other, the faster the speed of healing.

Cost of initial acupuncture session & evaluation:


Cost per follow-up treatment:


Contact Joy Vision Acupuncture at (904) 473-5022 to learn more about our traditional acupuncture services.

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